GP Templates…. the story so far.
“In this life there are two types of people, talkers and doers.”
How is began…
Back in 2017 I was training to be a General Practitioner. I was in a practice in the North East and got over excited making some templates on the computer system. These templates were aiming to make it easier to capture information in consultations, make it safer for patients and make it quicker for staff involved. They were great fun and I got a lot of enjoyment out of them. I spoke to my trainer who suggested I try and sell them….
I sold a grand total of…..
Zero templates.
First adventures on YouTube
To try and help sell the templates, I set up a YouTube channel, GP Templates. It was an adventure into learning this platform and I recorded some demonstrations of the templates. This is when the interesting part started to happen.
I was contacted by a Locum agency that wanted me to film some demonstration videos for their website. I initially tried to charge until I went, nuts to it, and did them for free. I am glad I did, as they are my most successful videos to date!
The millitary pause.
I had done this for eight months and my time at the practice was coming to a close. I was about to qualify in August 2018 as a General Practitioner and meant being posted to a regiment. I realised that I couldn’t balance everything and so how to drop GP Templates.
A shift in career…
Back in Febuary 2021, I decided to leave the millitary. The strains it was putting on my family was too great and I knew I had to leave. I had to take some time out of work completely to re-evaluate.
Taking time out for anyone can be a scary prospect. My concern, as with anyone, was quite simply being able to make a living. I then started to look for a source of a second income. I was drawn back to YouTube and thought whether I could re-invigorate the channel.
After a lot of research, well, watching YouTube videos…. I re-foucsed on the channel. I had a small channel now with slowly growing numbers (around 200) and thought nuts to it, lets double down my efforts.
So, this led me onto the next step in this. I didn’t have access to the original computer system, but I did have some ideas!
Future steps…
Regular YouTube content
I find YouTube tough to maintain, but enjoyable. I didn’t realise how much of a craft it is and I have loved learning all new techniques.
The next step is to push towards regularity and to build the audience. As of December 2021, I have around 440 subscribers. Small in YouTube terms, but has grown massively from the 200 in Febuary 2021!
Digital Products
The aim is to push towards a final product. Most likely this will be a revision podcast, based around the teaching that I have already given.
Watch this space!
Physical product
There is something magical about having a finished item in your hand. Ultimately, I would love to be able to offer this to a wider audience.