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EXCELLENT book if you are involved in a team and want to see how it can grow and develop.

Not only does it give some really interesting overview of some successful companys, but also how you can bring their lessons to your own work.


A little bit about Dave….

Hello! I am Dr Dave Hindmarsh and I am the founder of GP Templates. It has been a long journey from when I originally came up with this concept whilst a registrar.

Now, older, and not so wiser, I am set to re-invigorate this to share knowledge to all doctors in Primary Care. The aim is to share knowledge and see how we can progress this further


SystmOne Basics

This page takes you through the basics of SystmOne. Whether you have moved to the practice, locuming or a Registrar! These three videos will take you through the basics of writing a consultation, prescribing and writing a fit note.



Sharing information is important in medicine. I originally got into the habit of publishing when I wanted to be an Orthopaedic surgeon (many moons ago…). The dreams may change, but the habit remains.